American-style mayors threaten our traditions

From: Peter McGovern, Aldwych Buildings, Parker Street, London.

I AM concerned at Government plans to bring in “American-style” elected mayors to our cities (Jonathan Reed, Yorkshire Post, January 13).

First can I say I think America is a great country and so are the people, but just as God created all of us and we are unique, copying what other countries do is not necessarily the right thing.

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I have been conducting a small letter writing campaign over the last few years to try and save our traditional mayors.

Sometimes we are tempted not to bother. But we mustn’t take that attitude. Yes, all over Britain in our cities and towns our traditional mayors wearing their chains of office and their robes conduct their duties with quiet dignity.

They need more support. They are what I call a part of “forgotten Britain”. I love our British way of life.

That’s why I have taken the trouble to write to so many people on this issue. Sadly most people today don’t even notice. They are all wrapped up in their own affairs.

Can you imagine an American-style mayor in Leeds?

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