Week Ahead: Backbench MPs speak for Yorkshire, Children In Need returns and Christmas festivities start

MPs will be raising issues relevant to people in Yorkshire, Children In Need returns and Christmas comes early. John Blow looks at the week ahead.

Working for Yorkshire

Backbench Yorkshire MPs will make representations in Parliament this week on issues which have affected the region.

Hull West and Hessle MP for Labour, Emma Hardy will propose a new bill to deal with flooding prevention and insurance on Tuesday.

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Emma Hardy MP.Emma Hardy MP.
Emma Hardy MP.

She was critical of how ministers responded Storm Dennis in February 2020.

In September this year, she also met with the Association of British Insurers to enquire about how flooding insurance can be made more affordable. Some in flood risk areas have struggled to get insurance coverage.

She is scheduled to put forward details of her proposal in a Ten Minute Rule Motion. These allow a backbench MP to make their case for a new Bill in a speech lasting up to ten minutes.

An opposing speech may also be made before the House decides whether or not the Bill should be introduced.

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