It is time the Government stood up to the unions - Yorkshire Post Letters

From: David Dunk, Nafferton, East Yorkshire.

During the course of the General Election in 2019 the Conservative Party promised the electorate that it would change the law to prevent unions from bringing essential services to a halt by disruptive industrial action in the public sector - as many other nations have already done.

In addition to the industrial action initiated by the RMT, other public service unions have cynically initiated and coordinated strike action before, during and after the Christmas period to cause maximum inconvenience to the public over the Christmas period.

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For many of the public this will result in loss of income and a ruined Christmas. The

Members of the RMT stand on a picket line. PIC: Anthony Devlin/Getty ImagesMembers of the RMT stand on a picket line. PIC: Anthony Devlin/Getty Images
Members of the RMT stand on a picket line. PIC: Anthony Devlin/Getty Images

action will also cause substantial financial losses to the country and business community.

This all could have been avoided had our Conservative Government honoured the promise made to the electorate during the 2019 election.

The public and the country are now paying the price for the failure of the Government and Conservative MPs to honour that promise.

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As a former Conservative voter it is in my view a disgrace that the Government should have allowed this situation to arise.

It is about time that the Government stopped pussyfooting with the unions, stood firm against their unreasonable demands and honoured its promise to and protected the very people who elected it and MPs.

This is one more nail in the credibility of this shambolic Government.