'No one should have to suffer abuse because of what they wear or where they are from'

Assistant chief constable Catherine Hankinson: 'Hate crime is unacceptable'Assistant chief constable Catherine Hankinson: 'Hate crime is unacceptable'
Assistant chief constable Catherine Hankinson: 'Hate crime is unacceptable'
Police are marking International Migrants Day by joining community groups and organisations from across the city at Leeds station.

Staff from British Transport Police and West Yorkshire Police are handing out leaflets, raising awareness of hate crime and providing advice on the steps to take if you become a victim or witness a hate crime.

West Yorkshire Police said: "We are proud that Yorkshire is a diverse and multicultural region, which welcomes people from all over the world. We are also proud that millions of people from all cultures and walks of life live here and very few become a victim of crime.

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"However, some minority groups, including asylum seekers and migrants, are sadly targeted, abused, harassed or even assaulted because of who they are, how they speak, what they look like or what they believe in.

"This is not acceptable and we take every report we receive extremely seriously - we investigate them thoroughly and support every single victim."

The leaflets have been produced in 20 different languages from Polish through Slovak, from Arabic to Pushtu.

The event supports the Home Office campaign ‘Action against Hate’, the UK Government’s plan for tackling hate crime, launched in 2016.

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West Yorkshire Assistant Chief Constable Catherine Hankinson, said: “Hate crime is unacceptable and it is a Force priority to support those who fall victim to it and to take action against those who commit it.

“It is important victims have the confidence to come forward and report what has happened to them – if you tell us what has happened we will listen and we will take action.

“I am proud that we are taking part in the event to mark International Migrants Day. By joining with partners we can help to make a real difference.”