Man who repeatedly spat in police officer's face claiming he had Covid-19 is jailed

A generic picture of a police officer.A generic picture of a police officer.
A generic picture of a police officer.
A man who repeatedly spat in a police officer's face claiming he had Covid-19 has been jailed, as the Chief Constable of a Yorkshire police force warned attacks on his officers will not be tolerated.

Thomas Geraghty, 27, deliberately spat at two officers who were trying to detain him in Hull city centre, last month, claiming he had the deadly virus. He also damaged their uniforms.

Geraghty, of Coltman Street, Hull, was taken to Clough Road Police Station where he then proceeded to bite another emergency worker.

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He pleaded guilty to three counts of assaulting an emergency worker when he appeared at Hull Magistrates' Court earlier this week.

Magistrates sentenced him to 38 weeks in prison.

Humberside Police Chief Constable Lee Freeman said he hoped Geraghty's sentence sends out a strong message that assaults on officers and police staff will taken seriously.

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"Police officers are there to protect the public and while they will always run towards danger as part of their duty and service to keep people safe, they should not have to endure or experience any form of violence.”

"We will never tolerate the actions of anyone who thinks this type of behaviour is acceptable and will always look to take action and seek prosecution for those individuals who commit such offences.”