Gardening jobs for the week ahead

It's a good time to plant out spring bedding displays of pansies (pictured), violas and primulas.It's a good time to plant out spring bedding displays of pansies (pictured), violas and primulas.
It's a good time to plant out spring bedding displays of pansies (pictured), violas and primulas.
If you get the chance in the coming days here are some things to be done in your garden...

Sow sweet peas in a cool greenhouse or cold frame for an early display next year.

Try growing perennials like delphiniums, verbascums and lupins from seed in the greenhouse.

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Start to plant bare-root roses - they can be planted any time between now and March.

Plant heathers, grasses and trailing ivy in pots for winter colour and also plant out spring bedding displays of pansies (pictured), violas and primulas.

Sow pots of herbs in a heated greenhouse or on a bright windowsill indoors.

Plant overwintering onion sets and garlic.

Plant out spring cabbage plants.

Continue to clear up fallen leaves